Today we walked from Bangor to Caernarfon. It was our first walk of 2018 and it was a long walk – about 20 kilometres. The weather was glorious. We were joined by our friends the Wilms, Thomas, Bettina, Nik and Linus.
This is a good walk. It took us past both of the Menai Bridges, first the old one and then the new one.
After a walk through the woods we came out into some large fields full of sheep with their young lambs. Linus decided he would start worrying the sheep but was soon called to heel 🙂
At the top of the field there was a stile and in a smaller enclose area, picnic tables. It was almost 12 o’clock and Nik suggested we stop for lunch. A good idea and a good place to stop. We could hear the pheasants calling and a woodpecker pecking.