
Chester to Flint

We thought that Chester to Flint would be a boring stretch to walk but we were wrong! Our friend Julian was kind enough to drive with us to Flint where we left our car. Julian then took us in his car to Chester, to start the walk.  “If we get tired before we reach Flint…” I started to say. “Just keep walking,” replied Julian as he drove away.

Chester to Flint

We started off our walk from Chester to Flint in Chester because the border with Wales lies along the path and is not accessible from any other point.  The river flows very straight here, probably managed by the local population for millennia.  Although factories and warehouses can be seen behind the trees along the banks, the river is already home to some amazing birds and well worth the walk.  Soon the factories give way to fields and we saw lots of rabbits having the breakfast.
The Start
The Start
Then the river curves to the right and then flows straight until almost the sea.  We could see the bridges at Queensferry in the distance.  Thirty minutes later we realised that they were not getting any closer.  At this point of the walk it is best to focus your attention on what is going on around you rather than looking into the distance.  the long straight stretch of river and the elusive bridges play a sort of optical illusion on you and appear to be unreachable for ages.


One of the interesting points along this stretch is the giant Airbus factory.  This is where the famous Beluga airplane comes in to land. We did not get to see it while it was on the ground but about 15 minutes after we walked past the airfield it took off and we git a good view of it as it rose up into the clouds.

We eventually reached the bridges.  passed under the new road bridge and crossed the river on the old blue bridge.  Then the Wales Coast Path turned back and went down to the river bank.  We walked by some cows with the calves and saw the old General Office of the Shotton Steel Works.  A beautiful building, now all boarded up.

At Connah’s Quay we stopped for a bit to eat.  After this we had a long stretch on the road until we got to Flint.  Then we headed onto the Flint Salt Marshes, the part of the walk which Laura thought the most  beautiful.  We saw some beautiful flocks of starlings flying low over the marsh and forming their unbelievable shapes.


The marshes take you to Flint Castle.  The place where we first discovered the Wales Coast Path.  The views across to
Flint castle - end
Flint Castle – end 
the Wirral were striking and then into the car and back home.  Chester to Flint had been far more interesting than we had hoped.

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